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Established in 1841. Dr. J.H. McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment (Brand) has for more than 114 years received high endorsement from the public. This is a pain relieving Liniment grounded in superior folk medicine. Excellent for easing pain in muscles or joints and bones. Good for backaches, arthritis, sprains, strains, and bruises, and stiffness and soreness of muscles due to overexertion, exposure or fatigue, mosquito bites and non-venomous insect bites, stiff neck and simple neuralia. This oil contains turpentine oil, volcanic oil, and oils of camphor, sassafras, flaxseed, and pine. Its the best old fashioned liniment you can buy!

It is also a useful and convenient home Liniment for livestock.

Active Ingredients: Chlorothymol, pure gum turpentine, oil flaxseed, oil camphor sassafrassy, oil pine, oil hemlock, with petroleum as a base.




External use only. Apply freely every three or four hours and oftener if required.


Do not apply to irritated skin or if excessive irritation develops. Avoid getting into the eyes or on mucous membranes.


Keep out of reach of children.

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